Here are a few factors

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Location PAN India
CIBIL Score 650+
Applicant Any Salaried & Self Employed
Applicant Age Minimum-21 Year, Max- Govt Employee-75 Year, Salaried-65 year, Self Employed-70 Year
Loan Amount & Tenure 5 Lac- 10 Cr
( 5 Year to 15 Year)
Login Fees 5900
Rate of Interest & Type 1. Roshni- 11.50% to 15% (Salaried), 13% to 15% (Self Employed)
2. Prime 10.50% to 15% (Reducing)
TAT 7 days
Processing Fees Roshni-1.50%, Prime-1%
Foreclosure Charges 2%-4%
Insurance As per Age
Minimum Business Vintage 3 Year
Lock In Period Yes
Part Payment Allowed No
LTV Residential-70%, COmmercial-65%, Plot-50%
Product BT+Top UP, Fresh Loan, Seller BT, LRD
Program Banking Program-3 Cr, GST Program-3 Cr, Cash Rental-1 Cr(50% of Rent),
Gross Margin-1 Cr,Low LTV -3 Cr, BT+Top Up-5Cr, Without ITR -50 Lac, LRD-2 Cr
FOIR Salaried:<50k-50%,50K-1 Lac-55%, >1 lac-60%, Self Employed-100% of income
Cautious Profile Jewellers, Gym, Police
Negative Profile Politician, Builders, People living in dominating area
Funded Property (i) Residential Property (ii) Commercial Property (iii) Residential & Commercial Plot
Neagtive Property Khasra Khatauni, Legal & Technical not clear, Industrial Property, Basement, School, Hospital, Stone Slab, Farm House, Gift Deed, GPA, Current Sale Deed, Hotel, Restaurent, Multi Tanented Unit, PG, Property in demolition List
Accepted Collateral Other than Negative Property
Minimum Job Experience for Salaried Person 2 Year
Experience with Current Employer 3 Month
Any Specific Product for Professionals No
USP (i) Auction Purchase .
(ii) Seller BT even if Seller is NPA
Additional (i) Lal Dora upto 50 Lac
(ii) Without MAP Property upto 50 Lac
(iii) Gram Panchayat Property also doing
Right Documents : Easy Process

Required Documents for PNB Housing Finance

Salaried Income Documents

  • KYC of applicant & Co-Applicant
  • Last 3 Month Salary Slip of Applicant
  • Last 12 month Bank Statement of applicant & co-applicant
  • Last 3 year ITR with computation of income of applicant & co-applicant
  • Last 2 Year Form 16 of applicant
  • 26AS of last 2 years of applicant & co-applicant.
  • Appointment letter of applicant if available
  • Agreement to Sale if purchase case
  • Property Paper with complete chain of last 13 years
  • LOD (List of documents), Foreclosure Statement & SOA (Statement of account) if BT case.
  • Sanction letter of all running loans.
  • Latest utility Bill if owned residence or rent agreement if rented.
  • 2 Reference with contact details.

Self-employed Income Documents

  • KYC of applicant & Co-Applicant
  • Last 3 year ITR with computation of income of applicant & co-applicant
  • Last 3 year audited balance sheet of applicant
  • Last 3 year Tax audit report of applicant
  • Last 12 month Bank Statement of applicant & co-applicant
  • 26AS of last 2 years of applicant & co-applicant.
  • Copy of GST registration ,Copy of MSME registration ,Copy of Last 12 month GST return
  • Agreement to Sale if purchase case
  • Property Paper with complete chain of last 13 years
  • LOD (List of documents), Foreclosure Statement & SOA (Statement of account) if BT case
  • Sanction letter of all running loans.
  • Debt Sheet
  • Latest utility Bill of residence if owned or rent agreement if rented.
  • 2 Reference with contact details
  • Last 3 year Debtors & Creditors on letterhead
  • List of Directors & Shareholders, if applicant if Company or List of Partners if applicant is Partnership firm/LLP

About PNB Housing Finance

PNB Housing Financing Limited boasts a robust network of branches throughout India. PNB Housing Finance Limited provides housing loans to its clients and corporate entities so they can purchase, build, renovate, and repair their homes. In addition, PNB Housing Limited provides loans for the purchase of land for residential use, loans against property, and financing for commercial properties.

PNB Housing Finance Customer Care Details

Basic Eligibility Criteria

The person should be salaried or self-employed.

If the person works for a salary, they should not be older than 60. If they are self-employed, they should not be older than 70 years.

The applicant should have a CIBIL score of 650+.

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 PNB Housing Finance Limited offers residential (70%), commercial (65%), and plots (50%) of market value.

 A client may choose to repay their PNG Housing Finance Limited loan secured by property in EMI using post-dated cheques or an electronic clearance system.

 Indeed, collateral must be given to secure the loan amount.

The person should be self-sufficient or receive a salary. If they are salaried, they shouldn't be older than 60. If they are self-sufficient, they shouldn't be older than 65.

 It can be used to finance medical expenses, acquire new furnishings for the home, and plan a wedding or trip. Additionally, these may be used to cover higher education, establish a firm, buy pricey household goods, and more.