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The PAN card is necessary to appropriately calculate the person's credit score. The credit score can also be obtained by using other valid Proof of Identity (PoI) in place of the PAN card. The PoI helps in identifying individuals in the database.

No, the inquiry won't have an impact on your credit score. Your credit score may be slightly impacted when you apply for a loan or credit card, but not when you check your credit score.

The ability to check your credit score is not restricted. You are free to check your credit score as much as time you wish. The credit score inquiry is regarded as a soft check because only hard checks have the power to lower your credit score.

The credit score is influenced by changes to the credit report; if and when these changes are made, the credit score will change based on whether they have a positive or negative effect. For instance, your credit record and score will be impacted, when you apply for a credit card or loan and make payments on the credit.

No, you won’t have to pay any charges to use ReferLoan’s Credit Score Calculator