Here are a few factors

Rating 0 /
Total - 0 ratings
Location 50Km from Branch
CIBIL Score 700+
Applicant Any Self Employed
Applicant Age 21 Year to 70 Year
Loan Amount & Tenure 50 Lac-20 Cr
(1 Year to 10 Year)
Login Fees Nil
Rate of Interest & Type 9.50%-11% (Reducing)
TAT 15 days
Processing Fees 0.5%-1%
Foreclosure Charges (i) If MSME Registration-Nil
(ii) Other-Upto 4%
Insurance As per Age
Minimum Business Vintage 3 Year
Lock In Period 12 Month
Part Payment Allowed No
LTV (i) Residential-100% (ii) Commercial-100% (iii) Industrial-100% (iv) Plot-50% (v) Hotel & Restaurent-50%
(vi) Hospital-50% (vii) School-50% 
Product (i) Fresh Loan (ii) BT+Topup (iii) Commercial & Industrial Purchase (iv) Lease Rental Discounting
Program (i) Banking Program-5 Cr (ii) GST Product-5 Cr (iii) Income Program-20 CR (iv) Lease Rental Discounting-20 Cr 
FOIR 100% of Cash Profit
Cautious Profile No Cautious Profile
Negative Profile (i) Politian (ii) Share Traders (iii) NBFC (iv) Police(v) Liquor Seller (vi) Real Estate (viii) Bullion Traders
Funded Property (i) Residential Property (ii) Commercial Property (iii) Industrial Property (iv) Mall & Commercial Complex Property
(v) Plot (vi) School (vii)Hosipital & Nursing Home viii) Hotel & Restaurent (viii) Godown & warehouse
(ix) Gram Panchayat Property (x) Regluarized Colony (xi) Khasra Khatauni Property
Negative Property (i) Lease hold Property without PTM (ii)Stand Alone Basement (iii) Auction Property (iv) Demolition List Property
(v) Lal Dora Property (vi) PG Property (vii) Khasra & Khatauni Property (viii) Subject to Sale Deed Property
(ix) GPA Property (x) Gift Deed Property (xi) Single Sale Deed Property (xii)Without MAP Property
(xiii) Unapproved Freehold Property (xiv) Legal & technical not clear(xv) Stone Slab Property
(xvi) Unapproved Farm House (xvii) Multi Tenanted Unit
Accepted Collateral Other than Negative Property
Specific Property wise Funding Limit Only School Property-5 Cr, Other Property 10 Cr
Any Specific  Product for Professionals No
USP Zero Login Fees & 100% LTV
Kotak Bank Business Banking (Loan against Property)