Here are a few factors

Rating 0 /
Total - 0 ratings
Location 50Km from Branch Location
CIBIL Score 650+
Applicant Salaried & Self Employed Both
Applicant Age Salaried-21 Year to 60 Year, Self Employed-21 Year to 70 Year
Loan Amount & Tenure 20 Lac to 5 Cr
(5 Year to 20 Year)
Login Fees Loan<30 Lac-2950, Loan>30 Lac-5900
Rate of Interest & Type 10% to 11% (Reducing)
TAT 15 Days
Processing Fees 1%
Insurance & Other Charges Insurance Charges:1%-4% 
Foreclosure Charges Nil for Individual, If Applicant is other than company-2%
Minimum Income Which is fit to cover EMI 
Lock In Period 6 Month
Part Payment Allowed Yes
Home Loan OD Product No
LTV 100% of Registry Value or 80% of Market Value which ever is lower
Product New Purchase, Plot Purchase, Plot Purchase+Construction
Program 1. Banking Program-1 Cr
2. LIP Progra-50 Lac
3.Without ITR 30 Lac
4.BT+Topup-1 Cr
5. Normal Income -5 Cr
CO - Applicant Yes
FOIR If Salary<30K-45% of Net Salary,If Salary>30K-50-70%
Negative Profile Any profile where collection is not comfortable
Funded Property Type (i) Residential Property
(ii) Residential Plot Purchase
(iii) Residential Plot Purchase & Construction
Negative Property Basement, Bachha Flat, Khasra Khatauni Plot, Unapproved 4th Floor & above, Freehold unapproved Property, Home Renovation
Accepted Collateral Approved Residential Property, Without Map Property, Dual Unit without MAP, Khasra Khatauni Property, Lal Dora Property, Lal Dora Plot, Sub-Divided Property, Demolition Property if entire property is coming
Business Vintage for Self Employed Person 3 Year
Minimum Job Experience for Salaried Person 2 Year
Experience with Current Employer 3 Month
Any Specific Product for Professionals Yes, For Chartered Accountant & Doctors : ROI is lower
USP Seller BT, Funding to Cash Salary Applicant, Funding to NRI Applicant

Documents Required

Proof of Identification

Proof of Residency

Proof of age

Proof of income (if you are a salaried applicant),

proof of property (if you have selected a property),

If relevant, information about your current loan.

Basic Eligibility Criteria

Salaried applicants must be between the age of 21-60.

Self-employed applicants must be between 21-70 years.

The longest loan term available is 5–20 years.

Rs. 5 crore is the maximum loan amount

About Hero Housing Finance Home Loan

Hero Housing Finance is an arm of Hero Fincorp. This provides consumers with housing loans at competitive interest rates, along with a number of other advantages. Hero Housing loans are easily applied for across the nation. This may be for building, renovating, or extending a home, or for purchasing ready-to-move-in or under-construction properties for residential use.